Nearly all of the objects that are done in the MARKEVICH team are industry-sponsored. Our company provides not only Steel Detailing Services that covers designing, analyzing and detailing of large and complex structures. We excel in working on city services that include socially responsible 3D Modelling and Drawing. Our employees with a corporation partners or in some cases several helps our city to create a unique space of non-profit projects to the schools, hospitals, bridges and other social city places. Examples of projects that have been done recently can be seen on portfolio page. The primary objective for us when we sponsored project is to create a unique, high-quality educational opportunity for our citizens in Borisov (Belarus). 
It is perhaps the finest opportunity to experience high level critique and interaction people can have. There is no better way than good architecture and design to prepare children for the professional settings they will experience once they graduate. 25 of the school is social sponsored of architecture bureau in 2019.

spain to buy image rights

We also contacted an owl illustration designer from Spain to buy image rights and draw a picture on the building. Secondary school (25) is a long-awaited social object for Borisov city (microdistrict of the city in Belarus), and therefore the institution itself. Its appearance should become not only the hallmark of the “young” part of the city, but its cultural and sports center. The competence and understanding of the Borisov’s Design Bureau staff helped to create a stylish and unique, original and creative image of a new, modern school. We hope that future students and the staff of the institution will appreciate the work of Department of Education. Sponsored projects have provided the majority of the publicity opportunities for the Center of Design Research and our country.